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This restaurant is called Espresso Bar and it is located in Raanana, in periphery of Tel Aviv. It's a very nice restaurant and I really appreciated the atmosphere calm and green of this place. They purpose a lot of different dishes with dairy base, like pasta, salads.. Very fresh products! Prices are a bit expensive but if you take an Israeli breakfast it's really affordable. 🍳🍞🥒🍅Plus : They have another bassari restaurant in the same street Ahuza also very good, called Brasserie Kazan!

Ce restaurant appelé Espresso Bar est situé à Raanana. J'ai beaucoup apprécié son côté très calme et reposant. Ils y proposent toute sorte de plats halavi ; pâtes, salades... Je vous recommande leur petit déjeuner israélien et pour ceux qui recherche un bon restaurant Bassari je vous conseille leur autre restaurant appellé Brasserie Kazan!

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