Assignment 3 Reviews Bar Ilan vs. Website (Beteavone)
Reviews : Bar Ilan
Bar Ilan University has an official website attractive in some ways but still needs some improvement.
We can see for example, that the website is not very attractive and doesn't try to create a connexion of trust with potential students. It's also look not very easy to use and get information that's why in my opinion, most of the students who want to enter in this university come on the place and don't just use the website to register themselves.

For exemple about the life of the campus which is an important point for students who will be there here for many years and want to fill good and confortable in their environment. It will be good for exemple to show a more dynamic and active image of the university by writing in this page "Life On and Around Campus" about events each week (Concerts, Hagim, little shops, Organized events in Greg Coffee etc...). Students will see University as a real life experience place and not just for work and go back home after the day.

Last thing is about the contact between professionals and students, when we get on the "Contact the International Students Office" we can see that University don't let the possibility to the student to chat on the website but just to call someone by giving numbers. I think that the chat is an easier way to get in touch with people at the beginning.

What the Student want directly on the page is most of the time "How to register?" "What's are the programs?".. But also maybe simple informations about academic year dates, pictures of teachers that we can have in the programs and who can talk about the programs and they expect from us, old students stories in Communication programs who can talk about their experiences..The Website looks actually very empty and so Students don't have the feeling that the Website is useful to get informations.

In the Gallery for exemple we don't have any pictures don't give a good image of the Programs and see maybe students happy or working in different place of the Campus but also maybe to give an image of diversity with people from all around the world which a real advantages to get a good image and give envy to new people to come.
Finally we tried to observe this Bar Ilan University Website in all the sides and to see good and bad sides. We can observe a real potential on the Website but not enough exploited maybe to give the possibility to students to work on a Newspaper on the Website to give a younger and active image and give more informations about experiences of Students in the Campus because they are principal concerned in the Website and so they can help new students to feel more integrate and confortable in their new life.
Reviews : Beteavone Wesbsite
First of all, how I did before, I will criticize the website that I choose for assignment 2. I decided to talk today about, a website about all the kosher restaurants in Israel that I'm working with.

The only thing that we can maybe improve is about movement of the Home page with videos and interactivity to catch people from the first second on the website. Today people love to see videos more than text and photos, it's more attractive for them to see reality and sometimes use a charismatic or funny person to represent the website and make a connection with people.

To conclude we can give a comparaison between the first website that we studied about Bar Ilan University and Beteavone. We saw the content of the both in assignment 2 and now we observed solutions that can permit tom improve the content of the website to become more attractive with the public. Today we can see that website matter a lot in influencing people's opinion and choices. That's why it's really important to make the best of this opportunity to catch people with a good and dynamic image!
Of course it's a work of everyday and a lot of effort to make of a website a good website.