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Assignment 2 Bar Ilan University vs. a Website (Beteavone)

About Bar Ilan HomePage in English vs. Website ... Critics of the contents

Content : Bar Ilan

Why would our potential “customer” enter the school’s site? What does she/he expect to find there? What would satisfy them? What would keep them on site? Make them return? Here are the most essentials questions we have to think when we try to descript and criticize a website. First of all, today we will take the case of Bar Ilan University website.

A good point is that SEO are good because when a possible "new" student look for it, he found it directly on the top of the research page.

And then when we enter in the website we can first observe that the website is not with the best modern design page.

After that we will look for what is interesting for us... and we go in International Students.

Then we can see that the website is not very attractive and doesn't try to create a connexion of trust with potential students. It's also look not very easy to use and get information that's why in my opinion, most of the students who want to enter in this university come on the place and don't just use the website to register themselves.

Last thing is about the contact between professionals and students, when we get on the "Contact the International Students Office" we can see that University don't let the possibility to the student to chat on the website but just to call someone by giving numbers.

If we want to discover more about faculties in the University for exemple we take the case of School of Communication... We don't really understand the Home Page and pictures. But also people who appears on the page.

In the Gallery for exemple we don't have any pictures don't give a good image of the Programs and see maybe students happy or working in different place of the Campus but also maybe to give an image of diversity with people from all around the world which a real advantages to get a good image and give envy to new people to come.

Finally we tried to observe this Bar Ilan University Website in all the sides and to see good and bad sides. We can observe a real potential on the Website but we will see in assignment 3 what we can improve on the website.

Content : Beteavone

Now we will compare Bar Ilan to another external website called Beteavone.

I decided to talk today about, a website about all the kosher restaurants in Israel that I'm working with. The Website is in English and in French and give a lot of possibilities of restaurants in all the cities of Israel and level of Cacherout.

We can see that the Website is modern, with beautiful design and possibilities. In the picture downstair we can observe that the website change the selection of New restaurant each week, which is a good point to always be active and in competition with other restaurants websites in israel which are a lot. But also we can see attractive pictures and good visual. People start to get interest with eyes and then they want to see more...

We see also that the Website use a lot of filters "Key words" to really give the result that the customer is excepting. We can Imagine that someone is looking for a restaurant in Jerusalem with a beautiful setting for a romantic diner, and especially a meat restaurant with a rabanout Cacherout... And so the customer can observe most of the time that the best place for him is the first which appear in the research!

But to come back on the objective of this website, it's to make publicity about the restaurants and get money on it. That's why they purpose vouchers with good prices and so people can pay on the website directly half of the price that they would pay in the restaurant...

The Website is very competitive also for another reason which is that he decided to open a delivery option which is something special in Israel because not a lot of restaurants purpose it, especially gastronomic restaurant...Here we have the possibility to order directly on the website and to get our order in 30 minutes but also to get good prices on it!

To conclude we can give a comparaison between the first website that we studied about Bar Ilan University, which is older and not very active and this one more modern and active with a lot of attractives pictures, options, and a better connection with customers and by this way we can see that people are most of the time very happy of the service in opposite to Bar Ilan University who don't give a real importance about opinions that customers have of the website and the given service. Today we can see that website matter a lot in influencing people's opinion and choices. That's why it's really important to make the best of this opportunity to catch people with a good and dynamic image! And we will see in assignment 3, what we can really improve in these two websites which are completely different...

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