Links about a 2 websites : Blog vs. Website
"Links are immediate traffic source"...
Today, we will see a new website of a friend called Naomi, she made this blog one month ago and she love to share with us her passions/ hobbies on the blog :

First of all I personally really appreciate the content of the website. The link is a bit simple but it's normal because it's the link that give to the person in a normal version of the blog.
We can even talk and comment each article which is really good for the blogger himself to improve his blog.

But you can also like the article which is giving a great evaluation of the work of the blogger.

The thing that we can criticize about this blog is that the link is not giving information about the content that the viewers/ readers will see in the blog.
It's really important that when someone is looking for something by key words we find the link of the website. For exemple if a person is looking for Bouldering on internet, this person can fall on the website of Naomi and so discover her article.
Here when we write on Google : Bouldering ...

We can observe that her blog doesn't appear in links of research and on Google.
And so she can't make her blog famous by this way and so promote it...
Here it's a direct link where you have to write the link to find it and not in the way to write just few key words.
It's always important also to give a title which is in parallel with the objective of the website. If for exemple we want to make a blog about clothes/ Fashion we need to give a symbolic name to our blog like : ,

But to give another exemple with a website with more work on : we can see that SEO is more improved :
This website is about all the kosher restaurants in Israel. The director is french and so he wanted to write most of the articles in french but also now in English. There is a real marketing work about this website. The site is modern. And also we can observe that the title and so the link of the website is in reference to the content inside (Beteavone = Food/ Restaurant). Which give directly the objective of the website to the viewers. The objective of this website is more clear than in blog like the first one. Here the objective is also financial!

The Anchor text is better because he contains keywords from the linked page.

And then if we are looking for a restaurant that the website is working with so we can observe that the website of BETEAVONE appears a lot on the research motor. (Google)

We can see that when we enter in the website, we have the content that we are expecting. Beautiful pictures of the restaurant, informations about the restaurant (hours, cacheroute...) etc ..
Deep linking - We can also observe that the link is in a good domain.
And this website also rank his internal pages higher than your homepage.
Generally, a page with several quality links will rank higher with search engines than one with no links or user activity. Google is much more concerned about a site’s internal pages than its homepage – because the information that’ll be useful to search users – blog posts, for example – is often not found on the homepage.
We can finally talk about the level of popularity of the first blog and the website. Where it's clearly evident that the seconde one is the most popular!
And so viewers can trust it more. But here again all is question of work. To make of our website the best and most competitive one, we need to work hard on SEO, but also on a good design page and good content to attract people and so the links of our website will appear more on google... The more popular a site is, the more mentions on the web (links) it gets! It's a continuous effort.